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Outputting multiple files from an app

7 - Meteor



I am about to publish an app to a server that will create three files as outputs but one of those files could be created a large number of times.  I have configured the one Output Data tool and two Render tools to point to a particular placeholder file that is already in place.  Where the one file is to be created a large number of times, it will be suffixed by data within the data.


However, on testing it, the 'Finished' screen requires the user to individually download each file and no files are actually saved in the specified file locations.  


Does anyone have any suggestions on why this is the case?







14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hey @ChrisPayne153 .  

I'd have to see the full output path and way you're posting it to the Gallery to be certain; but it sounds like the output path is the issue.

Are you using the full UNC location for the files to be saved?

7 - Meteor

Hi Patrick


Thanks for your response.


The full output path is E:\Alteryx Server\WorkflowData\Bespoke Pricing\Reconciliations\Reconciliation Outputs\Reconciliation - .xlsx with a variable appended to the filename.


You seem to be correct, it must be something to do with how I am uploading it as I had to make an adjustment and the outputs saved correctly once.  However, i didn't realise this was the case until after a further adjustment had been made, and it no longer saves the outputs to the designated folder.  Do you have any pointers on what I could check?


We are hosting the apps through a Virtual Machine and so I am unable to use a UNC as the source folder is local to the VM. 





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Are you uploading a packaged workflow or saving to the Gallery from the Desktop?

If you're saving from Desktop check out the options when you save as for "workflow assets". 

Same thing when you're exporting the package. 

The output files shouldn't be checked as an asset.


You can still make this work in a VM.  Just make sure you have a known path to work with that will exist on the VM.

7 - Meteor

Hi Patrick


I am saving to the Gallery from the Desktop.  If i uncheck each output as an asset, I receive errors (FileResourceHandler::EnsureBaseDirExists: Cannot create target directory...) but if i leave them as checked, each output path is altered with one example being '_externals\2\Reconciliation - .xlsx'.


I have used the UNC and there was no difference i.e. it still did output the files in the specified folder.


I am hopeful that the 'externals\2' may be a clue as i have read quite a few posts on this but am yet to find a solution.  Do you have any thoughts?





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

The location '_externals\2' is a relative path used in the packaging of the workflow.

It's like if you were to create a zip file containing your workflow and added folders for examples of the outputs within the zip file - that's where _externals exists.  It's just a working directory.

When you look at the assets window, does it have the drive letter listed for all of the files or does it look like this where it starts with just the folder?


And then if you are in the workflow and go to Options -> Advanced Options -> Workflow Dependencies does it list the ProgramData as the file location?



If it does, then change the output path back to the correct location and go through the save process making sure that any asset with (OUTPUT) in front of it is unchecked.


I just walked through this on my server and it exactly replicated and solved the issue you're facing.  

If that still doesn't work for you, send me a private message.  It's likely a setting on your machine.

