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User with appropriate access rights is not able to access Gallery content

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team,


We are licensed user of Alteryx and serving our audience with range of application/reports on Gallery.


We appropriate rights to users to access available collections.


Issue - We have never ever faced any issue while  granted access to users. But, with one user, even after providing him required access, he is not able to access respective collections and getting error "an unknown error occurred during authentication with your windows credentials".


Your quick response will be highly appreciated as this use is from senior management.


Thank you,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Vikas038 


Is there anything different with his username? Non A-Z character for instance?

Is he on the same domain as the other users?

8 - Asteroid

As checked with IT, he is on the same domain and his username is also a simple one with no special characters.

Thank you,


19 - Altair

Is there any issue with the user under the admin section of the server via private gallery? Ie is the e-mail in that section for the user correct/etc... How are you doing security - name/password, SAML2, etc?