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Output to multiple sheets in same workbook not possible on Server

8 - Asteroid



I have trouble with the output tool. I set the output tool to generate data to one workbook but to different sheets based on data in one column. In designer this is working perfectly, but uploaded to server it gives an error saying that the file is being used by another process. I even created one mini workflow with some random data (see below) and the same thing happens.



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

What's the error message?  Are you using UNC path or a mapped drive?  Does the server have access to wherever you're writing it to?

8 - Asteroid

Hi, the error message is:


Unable to open file for write: (file on network folder address) Error Opening file: (file on network folder address) : The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32)


Yes, UNC. 


Yes, server has access to the file. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @slobo ,


Another user was talking about this same exact issue last week. Since both of you are using UNC path and it is all working on designer, I'm thinking this could be a bug. What is your Alteryx server version?



Fernando Vizcaino



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid



Client: 2019.4.20206
Server: 2019.4.4.20206
Server Binaries: 2019.4.4.20206
Service Layer
Master: 2019.4.4.20206




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @slobo ,


I've tried to reproduce your error in a bunch of different ways and wasn't able to do it.

I know you have created a dummy workflow, but please share that to see if it is somehow related to the workflow itself, not saying you have not configured properly, but maybe related to your workflow version.


If the error persists, it is better for you to open a ticket with Alteryx support showing what is happening.




Fernando Vizcaino


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey @slobo 

Do you try to change the OUTPUT OPTIONS to Overwrite Sheet or Range or Overwrite File Remove?






Best regards


Carlos A Teixeira
19 - Altair

What happens if you put the output data tool in a batch macro and batch by the file/tablename? or if you change to fullpath (and create fullpaths for each sheet based upon filepath from your input data?

8 - Asteroid

Thank you all for answers! 


General update

Newest thing I tried is to add Block until done tool, and it worked both in Designer and Server. Then I tried to schedule it at some random time (today at 9 a.m) and gave no error. 


Workflow is scheduled to run around 5 a.m. every day. I mention this because a few days ago I had a situation where I edited workflow and run it successfully in Designer and Server (both manual and scheduled at around 2 p.m) but next morning around 5 a.m. for some reason gave error. 

So now, I have to investigate why gives error when it is scheduled in the morning (I tried one hour earlier, but same error I receive). Also, the file is not used by any other process at that time.



@fmvizcaino Here is the sample workflow. 


@carlosteixeira Yes, I tried Overwrite File Remove and it works as same.


@apathetichell Regarding macros, I have to try this because I just started learning them. 😁 The second thing you mentioned I tried and it is the same error.



8 - Asteroid


I'm curious if this issue resurfaced for you after the 2022.1 update like it did for me.