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ODBC Credentials in Gallery


Have a question on how user credentials are passed in workflow when publishing to gallery.  


User has created workflow with an ODBC data input using their username and password.  That workflow is then published and shared with other artisan users.  


1. When run in gallery, the username and password created in the workflow is used to connect to ODBC connector.

2. If workflow is downloaded by any of the users that have been shared workflow, the publisher's credentials are still in the workflow.


Is there any way to prevent this (with server setup, not workflow tools), so that whoever is running the workflow needs to enter their credentials.  


Hey @ptbui15 


If you have an ODBC connection on an input tool that looks like DSN=blah blah blah then you are correct that when it is published to the gallery it uses the username and connection specified in the connection string. In addition when downloading that workflow it still retains the connection details (although encrypted). So I User B can be running workflows use User A's credentials.


To get round this there are 2 options.


  1. You can set up a connection (using a service account) in the gallery which can then be shared with users but running locally still has the appearance that the service account is running the workflow.
  2. You can set up an alias (using managed connections)..this is my preferred method. I have a connection configured called ABC, this has my credentials. The Server also has the same connection configured (setup in designer on the server not on the gallery) which has different credentials. When you connect to this Alteryx shows it as AKA:ABC in the connection window, so no matter what computer it runs on (server or local) it is looking for a connection called ABC.If the user does not have this configured locally, then they can't run the workflow.