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Must we stop AlteryxServices when activating new license key

8 - Asteroid

good morning / evening


we are updating the AlteryxServer license key before it expires.


please could someone let me know if we need to:

  • stop the scheduled jobs and/or
  • stop the AlteryxServices  

i have hunted through the help & community put but it doesn't seem to tell us anywhere

thanks v much


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @ianjohnston you add the licence key in the Alteryx Designer deployed onto your server machine so this shouldnt require stoping the Alteryx Services. If you were adjusting a setting in the System settings then their would be typically be some downtime where the service is restarted with the new settings. 

8 - Asteroid

thanks v much for the speedy reply @JosephSerpis 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ianjohnston 


When performing these kinds of changes, I highly recommend having backups of your MongoDB.

Make sure you also have your controller token + runtimesettings.xml file backed up.


Also, when taking back ups or upgrading Server, you will need to stop the service.


Hope this helps!



8 - Asteroid

thanks very much @PanPP  n