Looking for a solution on how to get the time to be removed through alteryx at the end of the date in my data. Example below
Hi @maddoxs ,
I am making an assumption that this value is coming into your workflow as a string. If true you can use the 'Text To Columns' tool (with space as the delimiter) to get just the first part(date).
Please find attached a sample to showcase the same.
Hey @maddoxs,
Two ways to do this. First thing to note is your date is text not a date data type. More information on the difference here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/Understanding-Data-Types/ta-p/73958 or just check the docs your feeling brave https://help.alteryx.com/20221/designer/data-types.
So one option you have is to keep your text as a text data type and use a formula like this:
Replace([Field1], right([Field1], 6), "")
The community has some quick and easy videos on formulas and the Formula Tool here https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/tkb-p/interactive-lessons/label-name/Writing%20...
Option two: you can covert your text to a date data type with the date time tool:
Any questions or issues please ask
Ira Watt
Technical Consultant
You can use the following formula if you need it to be in that format.
If you'd prefer it to be stored as a date, you can instead use this formula.
Here is what the output looks like.
Let me know if that helps.