1) Remember that there is zero penalty for not passing. Wait a week and then try again. Knowing what to focus on to prepare for the next round is a great learning tool.
2) Don't go down rabbit holes (e.g., on a simple blend, you don't need to think about almost matching and fuzzy matching. Yes, made that mistake). The core exam focuses on lots of the Favorites tools, as these form the core of what we do most in Alteryx
3) If you don't know an answer, guess and move on
4) Give yourself a quiet area to work. Trying to take the exam while your children/loved ones/pets need your help does not lead to a passing grade (again, experience speaking)
5) Once you achieve the certification, share it far and wide. My hits on LinkedIn went WAY up after I posted my certifications there.
Wishing you well on your Alteryx adventure!!!
I went through the exam prep document and focused on doing all the activities listed on p. 9-11.