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Taking Filter Input from Calendar Interface

11 - Bolide

Hi Team,


I'm trying to take a filter input from user where the user will select the date from Calendar interface and the workflow will filter the entered date from the database and give the extract. Now the problem here is, my database has the dates in mm-dd-yyyy format while the Calendar Interface enters the date in yyyy-mm-dd. Hence its not filtering out any records.


Any workaround to enter the date in mm-dd-yyyy format through Calendar interface? 


Thanks in Advance!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @hemant86 


You won't directly be able to use it. Instead generate the date in a formula tool and pass it to a dynamic input tool SQL where clause to read.


App to get date format:



for how to pass it to a dynamic input tool SQL where clause to read refer (8:16 minute)


Hope this helps : )


Table of Contents Dynamic Input of Files: 1:00 Dynamic Input for SQL WHERE Clause: 8:16 Dynamic Input for SQL Stored Procedure Parameter: 14:09 A demo of three different way to use the Dynamic Input Tool: loading data from several files, replacing the WHERE clause of a SQL statement, and as input
11 - Bolide

Thanks @atcodedog05 for your inputs. I will try that out.🙂
