Noticed strange behaviour of workflow when AMP is enabled.
With quite a large workflow there are multiple different files read, blended, fuzzy matched, joined etc. Then result is saved to one excel with multiple tabs (none of them is input file same time).
I've observed that when some output files are not connected to the workflow engine is not reading random input files - like would predict that whole workflow will fail. What is not an unexpected behaviour, as I just temporarily disconnect output file not to overwrite the results. When all output files are attached workflow completes successfully reading from all the files.
The missed file does not report any error - just no records are read.
You see 0% read, then workflow completes - all other files are read. No read error is returned.
You get "No data available - refresh your workflow.
This is another unpleasant surprise with AMP. Previous one was with Fuzzy match when source ID's were mixed between ID1 and ID2 output columns.
Thank you for using the AMP Engine and for providing feedback.
If you are willing to supply us the workflow, I can provide a secure method for you to send it over so that we can attempt to reproduce and troubleshoot this issue.
I encourage you to continue to report any use case issues that you find with running workflows with AMP Engine enabled. We worked hard to identify differences from the original Engine as well as provide guidance on how to better optimize workflows to run with AMP.
Some helpful links to available documentation about AMP Engine:
AMP Engine webinar (32 minutes): https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Analytics/AMP-Engine-Discover-the-Untapped-Performance-of-Your-Anal...
AlterEverything Podcast: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alter-Everything-Podcast/66-The-Alteryx-AMP-Engine-Explained/ba-p/5...