I'm trying to connect with a sharepoint environment via a Tenant ID with Client ID and Client Secret.
the Graph API from Microsoft is setup as via the documentation (link: https://help.alteryx.com/20221/designer/sharepoint-files-input-tool)
I'm using the 1.1 version.
When I connect (screenshot1) to the sharepoint everything is shown and I can see the different sites within the sharepoint environment. but when I try to run from either the server (scheduled) or via the designer I get an Failed to authenticate error.
I've looked at this post https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Error-Failed-to-authenticate-SharePoin... and also try and implement some of the changes like adding in the regedit the following:
Value Name: PythonAllowHideEncryption
Value Data: true
When I open the yxmd file in notepad++ to look at the xml structure I see the following.
is it possible that these 5 lines are conflicting with each other? when i look at the post https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Error-Failed-to-authenticate-SharePoin... I see that there is a solution by @FlorianC that only got 3 of the 5 lines in the xml
screenshot of what I seen when pushing connect.