Good morning,
I have created a workflow.
I want to save the information from the workflow every day automatically to my excel file.
I have different sheets for each day.
How can I do that?
Thank you!
I do something like this by using a formula to generate the filepath including Excel sheet:
Then setting the output tool to use that field:
In my case I'm creating a new sheet each time the workflow runs, you might need to alter the configuration depending on how yours is set up.
Hi @Eneida33
Adding to @Christina_H response if your filename is fixed and only sheet name changes. You can only generate date as sheetname and configure output tool to change table name so that it only changes sheetname based on column. Refer highloghted option below.
Hope this helps : )
Thank you Very much for your help.
Happy to help : ) @Eneida33
If responses helps please don't forget to mark it as solution.
Cheers and have a nice day!