I am comparing two tnx files from two different systems. I was able to find out tnxs which are not common/missing in each system. Now i am stuck and need to find out tnxs which are common/present in both the systems but have different amounts. Like in one system for the same tnx, tnx vlaue is different in system A & system B.
That is confidential.. However i can provide an eg if that can help
Tnx reference number 123456 has an amount o/s for USD 100 in system A and same tnx reference has an amount o/s for USD 30 in system B. How can i find out which tnx has different amount o/s in two different system. Which formula can be used?
You can do this with a join and filter
Attached a sample workflow.
Hope this helps !
Hi @modiuttam88
Here is how you can do it. Join on reference number and compare amount in formula.
Hope this helps : )
Hi @modiuttam88
Another method if you want all rows output.
1. Using join multiple since it always does outer join.
2. Using formula to compare and flag accordingly.
Hope this helps : )