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Replace formula h elp

10 - Fireball



I am trying to incorporate the following syntax in my workflow:


new column = replace ( old string from column , new string string from column)


But when I try to do this in a formula, it is overriding the target completely.


Replace('function group  ', [Name], '')     (space after function group is on purpose)


will get me :


"function group " in my column, where its should be IF "function group " exists make it null.


Can anyone help with this?



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

It will better you can provide a sample input  and desired output. 😁
My first glance tells that your formula seems not correct?
Replace('function group  ', [Name], '')   --> Replace([Name],'function group  ',  '') 

11 - Bolide

Hey @wonka1234,


Replace Function Takes 3 parameters buddy.


Syntax: Replace(String, Target, Replacement)

String = Column Name which contains your original text

Target = This can be the entire above column or you may enter a part of values in that column.

Replacement = Column name that contains your replacement text.


Please check the attached workflow for better understanding.


Thanks & Regards.
