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Replace decimal with value if it meets criteria.

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I have a dataset that, if the number is between 0.995 and 1, we want to keep the value at .99 so it does not round to 1 when pasted into an excel template.


On a very basic level my output looks like this:


DirectorCategoryScore 1Score 2
Director 1Cat 10.800.992
Director 2Cat 1N/A0.9959
Director 3Cat 10.9971


I want the '0.997' and the '0.9959' replaced with '0.990' so it does not round to 1 in excel.


I've tried a formula tool with the output column Score 1 and the formula: "if 0.995 <= [Score 1] < 1 then 0.990 else [Score 1] endif". Can't get it to work. Data type is double.


I've also attached a more thorough sample doc (the Score columns are what should change).


Any help would be appreciated.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @prose3 you need the following syntax in your formula tool to work.



if 0.995 <= [Score 1] and [Score 1] < 1 then 0.990 else [Score 1] endif




5 - Atom

@JosephSerpis thanks so much!
