I want to become proficient in Alteryx, what is best approach? are there any classes that I need to Attend? please suggest me an organized way to learn it.
I have fundamental knowledge but want to upskill myself.
Hi @anupgupta12
You can follow the adapt program which is structured to help a person learn & clear core certification : https://community.alteryx.com/t5/ADAPT-Program/tkb-p/adapt
Or the learning paths which is structured to help a person learn through series of lessons of selected difficulties : https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Learning-Paths/tkb-p/learning-path
You can try put weekly challenges for practical experience https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Weekly-Challenge/bd-p/weeklychallenge
Hope this helps🙂
I have cleared core certification, and want to appear for advance, any suggestion to clear that? also where can I find workflow which uses the interface tools.
Also what is basis difference between core and advance certification?
Hi @anupgupta12
Refer learning path > advanced certification to know and learn more.
And all the best 🙂👍