I am trying to apply an IF formula where the Quantity is in numbers and Value field is in decimal, so i have changed Quantity to Int64 and Value to Double.
However, while applying formula, it is giving me an error as Parse Error at char(0).
Formula says: If ([Quantity] = "" AND ![Quantity] = "0"
AND ([Value] = "" AND ![Value] = "0")
THEN "Position where both are populated and are not 0"
You can't use a construct like [Quantity]= "0" if your field are both numeric. You need to use [Quantity] =0. You also check for empty numeric fields with isnull() So your formula becomes this
If (!isnull([Quantity]) AND [Quantity] != 0)
AND (!isnull([Value]) AND [Value] != 0)
THEN "Position where both are populated and are not 0"