Hi all,
I am looking to run a workflow for my office that is calculating the number of days a request has been in the queue. I am stuck at this formula where I want to categorize the requests by ageing and give them a Red Amber Green rating. The formula goes like this:
IF [Age Group] = '0-2 days' OR [Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] <15 OR [Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] = 0 THEN 'Green'
[Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] >=15 && [Count] <=50 OR [Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] <=10 THEN 'Amber'
[Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] >10 OR [Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] >50 then 'Red'
Whenever I am running this formula, I am getting 'null' values.
@robinmatthew - try this
IF ([Age Group] = '0-2 days' OR [Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] <15) OR ([Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] = 0) THEN 'Green'
([Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] >=15 && [Count] <=50) OR ([Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] <=10) THEN 'Amber'
([Age Group] = '>5 days' && [Count] >10) OR ([Age Group] = '2-5 days' && [Count] >50) then 'Red' else "CHECK" endif
Workflow also attached for your reference. If this solves your issue, please mark as solution. Thanks!