Hi, I'm trying to use the Join tool to join two documents for one column of data (essentially a Vlookup in Excel). Both selections in the 'Join by Specific Fields' are V_WString as some of the data are numbers and some are a combination, such as 102 and 102-MP. The 'J' drops all the 102 but keeps the 102-MP. Is there a way to format the type so that it joins all the data on the left (aka it doesn't drop the 102)? Thank you for your help!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Could you provide sample data where this is happening? This shouldn't be the case. Are there any leading/trailing spaces in either data set?
Unfortunately, I can't share the data set without reworking a lot of it to make it dummy data. But I can't see that there are any leading/trailing spaces. The data is presented in Alteryx Results view as 102.0, so I think it's picking it up correctly.
In both set's it's showing as '102.0'? When you're joining strings they need to match identically. If there were leading/trailing spaces you would see a red indicator in the results window. Are you able to share screenshots of the configurations/result window? Otherwise I think it will be hard to diagnose past that, maybe try throwing a data cleanse after each input for good measure.