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Interface Tools: filtering date from multiple files

8 - Asteroid



I'm working to develop a basic search tool for historical sales data.  My source data is housed in multiple monthly Excel files.  I would like users to select date ranges to query (using the Interface - Date tool), but I'm not sure how to accomplish that without the workflow first taking forever to Union multiple files together.


Is there a way to filter a date range and THEN begin compiling data from that date range?  How can I improve workflow speed? 


Screenshot 1.jpg


Hi @skeen503979 


What about creating a Master data file - YXDB - that will have the monthly data consolidated? this way you can have a single input that has everything. Hope this helps. Cheers!

8 - Asteroid

Thanks, @christine_assaad I'll give that a shot.  I've never used that before, but am generating one now.  So you think that one .YXDB file should be easier to process in my workflow in order to select a date range?
