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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Input selection Dynamically

7 - Meteor

I have multiple input files (separtae file for each country)  and Mapping file. 


Each country has separate file with different input structure. 


User will select country from dropdown and upload associated country file (file browse tool).


Mapping file has the country name and what is the starting position (row no)  of the data.


How to use this dynamically?

12 - Quasar

How often does your mapping file get updated?

What is the significance of the columns in it?

It looks like each country has the same number no matter the indicated column. You can proabably get away with a name:value pair for each country in a dropdown.


Use an action tool from the drop down to update the starting row in the file select.








7 - Meteor

I have attached only sample files. Each country has different file structure and no of columns will be differ.

Mapping file consists of some fields like data type and Field required (yes/no). Based on these mapping details, we need to perform other actions. 
