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In-DB SQL Script issue

13 - Pulsar

Hi everyone,


Using the Dynamic Output In-DB tool, we can export our In-DB tool actions as a SQL script, however, it uses a lot of CTEs that come with strange aliases such as Tool_3456. 


Is there a way to manage how the aliases are named? Or a place to manage those aliases centrally?


Thank you.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @martinding 


I haven't done a lot work in-DB, but I wouldn't be surprised if the CTEs are Alteryx Tool IDs.  If this is the case, you can join the CTEs to the xml of the workflow and pull more details that way.



13 - Pulsar

Hi @danilang,


Thank you for your reply!


There's actually an option to output the List of Query Alias in the Dynamic Output in-DB tool, which gives more details on the CTE aliases. But changing this aliases to more sensible names requires a bit of manual work.


So I was just wondering if there were ways to easily configure aliases (for example before they are created, rather than changing them afterwards).



13 - Pulsar

Hello @martinding 

You have CTE in your result ? That's strange O_o Can you share an example of your dynamic input result for our information please ?
What database do you use ? With Hive we have tons of subquery but no CTE for the generated query.

Best regards,


13 - Pulsar