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How to update/paste values from an from select control to an existing sheet of excel file.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I am not able to update the values from this select control to an existing sheet in my output excel sheet. When I place the excel output, it is asking me to specify new sheet. I do not want to save the data to new sheet, instead I want to update the values in a specific sheet in my excel. Can somebody help me with some idea?

image.png                image.png

15 - Aurora

@Nobbie369 can you explain your problem in detail

6 - Meteoroid

As you can see in the picture, I have some values coming from select control. I want to update these values to an existing sheet in excel. I don't want the complete sheet to overwrite, but just the columns that are coming from the select.

15 - Aurora

you can use the method to selecting range
create a new filed where you will be defining the range and sheet into the file
[Output File] + "|||sheet name$B1:H20"

the example will only update values in range B1:H20

you can change as per your requirement

hope this helps


6 - Meteoroid

@Raj Could you tell me how to select current sheet for writing? When ever I give the excel file to the output control, it is asking me to select new sheet (sheet1).
