Account | text |
69011530 | taxi |
66020000 | meeting |
69015000 | hotel |
69031000 | train |
69015000 | hotel |
69031000 | taxi |
69031000 | meeting |
If Account=69031000 and text=train, transfer the account=69031000 into account=69011510
If Account=69031000 and text=taxi, transfer the account=69031000 into account=69011530
Hi @phoebe_90
Please use the below formula in Formula tool.
IF [Account] = 69031000 and [text] = "train"
THEN 69011510
ELSEIF [Account] = 69031000 and [text] = "taxi"
THEN 69011530
ELSE [Account]
I have considered the column Account as numeric datatype and doesn't used "" in the formula.
If its string datatype in your workflow please add "" for account similar to text i have used.
Many thanks
Shanker V