Hello All,
I am looking to create a template using report text tool and later need to send email. Template should be created based on the account type dynamically.
Whenever there are multiple account types for a single ID then the legal docs needs to be combined and added to the template in the below format.
Template data-
Account Type | Legal Docs |
Entity | 1. Entity documents 2.Entity documents 3.Entity documents 4.Entity documents |
Trust | 1.Trust document 2.Trust document 3.Trust document |
Estate | 1.Estate document 2.Estate document |
Individual | 1. Individual document |
Report text output format-
ID | Account Type | Legal Docs |
12456 | Entity,Trust | 1. Entity documents 2.Entity documents 3.Entity documents 4.Entity documents 1.Trust document 2.Trust document 3.Trust document |
5555 | Entity,Trust,Estate | 1. Entity documents 2.Entity documents 3.Entity documents 4.Entity documents 1.Trust document 2.Trust document 3.Trust document 1.Estate document 2.Estate document |
666666 | Entity | 1. Entity documents 2.Entity documents 3.Entity documents 4.Entity documents |
4444444 | Individual | 1.Indvidual document |
222222 | Individual,Trust | 1. Individual document 1.Estate document 2.Estate document |
7777777 | Indvidual,Entity | 1. Indviidual document 1. Entity documents 2.Entity documents 3.Entity documents 4.Entity documents |
@Saravanan13 shouldn't this be "trust document" in below cell? Also you haven't added the ID for 'trust' account type. Is it not there in the output?
222222 | Individual,Trust | 1. Individual document 1.Estate document 2.Estate document |
yeah you are correct, Its a copy paste error. can you assist on this please