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How to Convert Integer to Dimension like in Tableau

8 - Asteroid



I hope you can help me and I'm kind of puzzled about it on how to do it in Designer. In the screenshot from Tableau, I still need to manually convert my "Path Order" field from Measure to Dimension to get the Default Data Type = "Number (whole)".




Originally in Designer, "Path Order" field data type is Int16 and automatically categorized as Measure in Tableau. What is the correct data type in Designer that I need to used in order for my "Path Order" to be recognized automatically as Dimension with a Default Data Type = "Number (whole)" in Tableau?


Thank you!


11 - Bolide

Hi @Mwatts23 I don't think you can do what you're after, since Tableau automatically interprets numeric data as measures. There's more information on their website.


I think you probably have two options:

  1. specify data type as Int in Alteryx (will import as Measure) and manually change to Dimension in Tableau (which sounds like what you're doing now)
  2. specify data type as String in Alteryx (will import as Dimension) and manually change to Number (whole) in Tableau

I'm curious to see if anyone else has a workaround for this.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @alisonpitt for sharing your idea. You are right I used the option 1 you mentioned. I hope someone in the community will have a workaround on this because it will be a very big help when we want to have a live data in Tableau instead of an extract and doing the manual process.
