I am trying to create a function where it will give you a week range date where if you run the function today it will give you the last 7 days as a range. ie. "3-22-23 to 3-29-23".
My best guess is: DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-7,"day") but not so sure.
Does anyone have any idea to replicate the range ("3-22-23 to 3-29-23") given if 3-29-23 is when the workflow is run?
Hi @bryanmac_92
Your formula is correct - just a matter of formatting it:
More on datetime functions: DateTime Functions | Alteryx Help
DatetimeFormat(DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-7,"day"),'%m-%d-%Y') + ' to ' + DatetimeFormat(DateTimeToday(),'%m-%d-%Y')