Hi all,
Can someone suggest solution/idea to resolve the following issue:
In the workflow, 1 of the input file is only available on friday. so I used filter basing on Day.
If it is friday, then it is supposed to pick the file else it shouldn't continue.
And in the dynamic tool, I gave blank template as sample data because on friday the filter will be true & it will pick file by taking file path and for remaining days it will read blank file.
Now the issue is, while reading blank file - I was getting error as "No valid fields selected" at the select tool.
1.Any solution to overcome the error at select tool (without including columns names in blank file)
2.Instead of feeding blank file to dynamic tool, do we have any other alternative?
Thanks inadvance!
Hi @Veni_Padam
Check the unknown field option in select tool and error should go away
Hope this helps : )
Hi @atcodedog05 ,
Unknow field is already been unchecked.
Hi @Veni_Padam
Please keep it checked. The functionality is at least one filed is checked and keeping unknown fields checked will ensure that.
Hope this helps : )
Hi @atcodedog05 ,
As per our rules, Unknown field shouldn't be checked - so do we have any other alternative ?
Else instead of feeding blank file, do we have any other possibility to overcome the issue?