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Dynamic Filter with additional sheets to render

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone,


I am not too sure if this issue has been asked before.


I have an use case where I have to render multiple files with conditional formatting at once. Each file has to contain 3 sheets. I am doing it for 30 countries but i have extracted two countries for this help topic.


But I will only need to filter the first sheet by country and the other two sheets do not need to be filtered.


The end result is:

- USA file with sheet1 results containing USA records and the other two sheets

- Canada file with sheet1 results containing Canada records and the other same two sheets


I have uploaded the desired output file results too




How can I group 1st sheet of each file by country and add the other two sheets into these files dynamically? Is there a way i can duplicate the table tool for the unfiltered sheets?

11 - Bolide

Hi @josiahgoh 


Here is one way:  Split to two streams / add file name / Union back together.

Annotation 2023-05-10 102549.jpg


Hope this helps. 

7 - Meteor

Hi Clifford,


Thank you for your solution.


I think this is quite manual and i am wondering if there is a way to do it more dynamically.


My use case is actually for 30 countries but i am just using two countries for this help topic first.
