Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Cross Tab Select All in Group Data

5 - Atom

Is there a way to select all to group data in a cross tab?

I have about 500 different columns I need to group by but don't see a select all. I really don't feel like clicking each check box to group the data.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

You could in theory concat all those fields you want to group by into a single field then use the text to columns to reparse them out.


I agree though this is tedious.

I've also created another example that relies on a transpose occurring earlier downstream, which I have attached.

Can I ask the overall purpose of the cross-tab, perhaps it is not needed at all? It seems strange to want to develop a 500 column dataset, though i'm sure you have explored all your options!

If you could give an overview of the wider process to it may allow us to explore other options.



5 - Atom

I ended up not needing to group by that many variables. A simple select tool and join allowed me to rejoin up the data. Thanks for the help!

5 - Atom

I ended up not needing to select all the variables in the cross tab. A simple select tool and join allowed me to rejoin the variables back into the stream. Thanks for the help!

7 - Meteor

Could you map out this workflow with screenshots or descriptions? My alteryx has having trouble updating to the latest version and when I try importing your workflow it won't run because it requires the latest version.


