I have a workflow that has a Block Until Done and downstream under Path 1, it runs a macro. Then, it runs the 2nd path which also results in a separate macro being called. The first time I run it under Designer, it never gets to the the 2nd path, even though I can see successful results from having run the 1st path and macro. If I run it a 2nd time in Designe, it duplicates what was done in the 1st path and successfully completes the 2nd path.
Any suggestions? Thanks
First thing I would check/try is to check if AMP is running since the Block Until Done Tool doesn't work right with it. If it is active, just uncheck the box "Use AMP Engine" (This can be done in Workflow Configuration: Runtime Settings)
Thanks for the suggesion. Unfortunately, the workflow is also using the Salesforce Input tool which now gives the error "This tool is only supported in the AMP Engine. Please enable AMP to use this tool."
What version are you on for your Designer? If you're on v2023 onwards, you can look to replace the BUD tool with Control Containers instead to run something sequentially.
Thanks for the suggestion. We are currently running version 2022.1.1.42636. I am speaking to my Alteryx admin this afternoon about upgrading.