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Alteryx 2022.1 Plugin SDK GeoJSON functions missing?

7 - Meteor

Hi there,

I maintain several legacy C++ plugins made using the Alteryx plugin SDK.  One of them recently stopped working with Alteryx 2022.1.  I assumed I just needed to recompile against the latest AlteryxSDK_x64.lib and I'd be good to go, but no success.

It turns out our code was invoking a couple of functions from inside SrcLib.dll, ConvertFromGeoJSON and ConvertToGeoJSON.

I dumped the exports from SrcLib.dll and it seems those functions are no longer available.

Are there any alternative native C++ SDK functions I can invoke that will take a GeoJSON snippet and convert it into an Alteryx Shape object?

Something like this?

(ProcConvertFromGeoJSON)(geoJSON.c_str(), spatialObj, blobSize);


Best regards,
