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Alteryx 11 Performance Issues

7 - Meteor

I upgraded to Alteryx 11 (from 10.6) this week and it is behaving extremely slow.  Every click takes about 10-30 seconds to respond.  When I deactivate a tool it takes 15 seconds for Alteryx to catch up.  Is this happening for others as well?


EDIT: I realize I am providing a minimal amount of information but i am thinking the Sharepoint tool is contributing to the performance.  Is anyone having issues with the Sharepoint input tool?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar


It's probably worth your time to complain until they upgrade your VM.  Sounds like you really don't have what you need to be effective.  Maybe convince them to upgrade to something better for a limited time so you can prove it out?


As it pertains to the memory allocation within Alteryx, I would strongly recommend not altering the default values.  Keep in mind too that if you're referring to this: System Settings--> Engine --> Default sort/join memory usage; that's the default.  You want to leave that low because it represents the minimum RAM each workflow will need to run.

In other words, if you have 8 GB and you allocate 6 GB; then you're only leaving 2 GB available for anything else PLUS any additional your workflow needs.  If you're running multiple workflows at the same time, then you've already allocated more than you have available.


Free disk space is a big issue too.  Don't forget that there are temp files written - it looks like you don't have enough free space to write those.


Also, I'm not sure if it's still an issue (it was back on 10.x), but MB has two measurement systems: binary and decimal.  Make sure that whatever value you use is a multiple of 1088.  Picking just a random number can cause issues (or at least it did back on 10.x for us).

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar



I know Alteryx says you can use Designer with 8 GB but I've only really had problems with machines running less than 16 GB.  I wouldn't go any lower than that.

Not familiar with your CPU, so I couldn't say for sure that has anything to do with it.

Here's the machine I can easily reproduce most performance problems on:LaptopSpecs.png





16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thanks Patrick.  I have tried 11.0 on our Server as well, which is 4 cores and 32 GB of Ram (and 3 TB of hard drive memory) and the same behavior is exhibited, so it must be something else.  Next release they have, I'll try it again.  My rep gave me some instructions for capturing all types of logs, so if it happens again, maybe they can figure out why.

11 - Bolide

HI Folks

I just clocked onto something rather obvious that either I had missed or I misunderstood your version run...

11.0 was exhibiting behaviour like this, but later updates had resolved them.

Get version 11.3

Gavin Attard
Digital Analyst

Alteryx Everything, Leave no one behind.
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Ah....I wish it was that easy a fix :)     


It's been happening with all the versions - 11.0, 11.3, and even 11.5.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar


Have you checked the Windows Event Log at the times when you experience issues?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Nope, not yet.  I'm back on 10.6 now.  With the next minor release, I'll try again, and collect all the logs then, if it happens.  With any luck, it won't!!

5 - Atom

I'm with you. Alteryx 11 has been an absolute nightmare for my team. Freezes, crashes, slow- we've lost tons of work and ended up going back to 10.6. Just decided to try 11.7 now and *surprise* I'm sitting here staring at a frozen white screen and waiting for it to crash completely, taking a few hours' worth of work right along with it.

Inactive User
Not applicable

What is the fix for this? On 11.7 still having this problem.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I haven't tried 11.7 yet.  Reverted back to 10.6 after still getting the issues with 11.5.  It has been suggested that monitoring software might be the culprit.  Problem with our company is that our IT will neither confirm, nor deny, if they have monitoring software installed behind the scenes.  Their stance is "if it wasn't a problem until 11.x, then that's something in the Alteryx software, not on our end...and if we did have monitoring software, we're not changing it to accommodate a bug in someone else's software".  So......when I get a good chunk of time (which I never seem to get), I'll uninstall 10.6, install the latest 11.x version, and try again, this time collecting any and all process monitoring logs.  Hopefully my Alteryx rep and the dev team can find something telling in the logs.  Been dying to get on 11.x!

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