Hi All,
I am getting a success response when i upload a file using postman.
But when i try the same with alteryx designer it saying "A file was not included in the request.","success":false
My worklfow is quite siple..I am just trying to upload .txt file via api call but i guess i am getting configuration of the payload section in the download tool incorrect.
very much new to this API upload space.
My curl code from Postaman is as below...have edited some of the details here...My query is how can i achieve the last lineie in higigted RED below in Alteryx API call...
I've attached a workflow showing a way of doing this. You can use a blob input tool to input your file, and then convert it to a string to post. The format that this file needs to be in depends on the API documentation - it could also be that the api can take the data from the file, rather than the file itself. If you can share the API you're using, then I could take a look, but this workflow is the process that is used to publish workbooks to Tableau for example.
Hope that helps,
Hi @OllieClarke
Thanks for the reply..i tried to use the workflow but it still gives me error...
I am attaching my worklfow which gives me success in Postman but failure in Alteryx...I am also attaching the screengrab from the api documnetation...i am not quite sure how to achieve the Type Files in alteryx...
Hope i will get a reply soon from you..
Hey @Newstart2020
It's hard for me to give much more without seeing the APIs documentation. Could you please link it here?
In the meantime, one thing you could try is removing the Blob convert tool, and just send the file as a blob in your payload.
Hi @OllieClarke
I had tried that too but still getting the same response that the file is not contained...
I cannot link the documentation as this is controlled by my authentication...
I have listed the screengrabs from the API documentation related to this call...
Hey @Newstart2020
Sorry, I'm not seeing much that's helpful in the documentation. You mentioned that your set up works in postman, but not in Alteryx. In that case I'd recommend using fiddler to see the exact queries that Postman and Alteryx are sending to the API. Once you can see the differences, it should be possible to alter the alteryx query so it works 🙂
Hi Ollie, thank you very much for the above suggestions.
Thank you @OllieClarke your pointers were very helpful in setting up the download tool to a great degree!! I am seeing one final issue and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on this
Following the suggestions on that post, I have got the download tool to seemingly work - It shows a 200 response in the Download Headers field, which would mean it's successfully uploaded attachment - However on checking the environment(Jira) where attachment was expected, I see that it hasn't actually attached the file. The DownloadData field in Download tool does not show anything aside from a box type symbol made of square brackets like the following- '[]' - not sure what that means and if it indicates an issue in the upload? Could there be something about the file blob/string data that I am sending which is causing this?
And one thing I've noticed with the download tool here is that
I have been able to successfully upload the file via Postman(where neither Content Type and boundary do need to be specified) but am unable to do so via Alteryx.
Link to API documentation if required is: https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/8.13.0/#api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey{/attachment...
Would like to highlight that while the above documentation mentions Content Type as application/json, setting that in Download tool causes it to give the 415 error
Could you please share any thoughts on what I could do differently to complete this?
Thank you,
Hi Ritesh,
Did you find any way to upload file using Download tool? I am also trying similar approach, any help will be appreciated.
I am having the exact same problem. I can't get a file to upload for the life of me unless it is some sort of Text file.
As @OllieClarke suggested I even used fiddler to see the exact queries that Postman and Alteryx are sending to the API.
Difference I noticed only in Body of the request.
Postman : It contains some form info related to file name and stuff, before starting actual file content in Blob
Alteryx: I used Blob input tool to convert my file in to Blob format and I am not able to replicate seemlier text before Blob content, as Download tool only accepting Blob content when I select this filed in Payload tab and 'Take Query String/Body From Field'.
Please suggest if I can do anything differently.