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Gallery Loader - Workflow Inputs/Ouputs Incorrectly Being Read as Changed

8 - Asteroid

Hey All, 


I noticed after each run of the Alteryx Gallery loader, for each workflow Connect thinks the inputs/outputs have been changed, thus creating a new version.  However, the input/output files have, in fact, not had any changes to them.  Thus we have workflows with dozens of versions in Connect, but nothing has changed between them. 


It also appears that since Connect thinks there are new input/outputs that the old ones are now considered broken relationships.  On the Broken Relationships page in the Admin Console it shows a red XID for the Target meaning the page no longer exists (although for most of these inputs/outputs they were never ingested into Connect, so not sure how they got an XID in the first place). 


Any ideas on why this would be happening?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@sglynn14 We would need to look at this in greater detail.  In particular, we would need example workflows (If the tools are dynamically configured, then that might explain the observation.), ideally a copy of the Connect database, as well as screenshots of the images you're describing.  If you have observed this on your own instance, then open a case with Support and request a link to upload the relevant assets.  If this is on a customer's system, please have them do it directly.  Please be sure to provide the Alteryx Connect version, the Alteryx Server version, and the version of the Connect Metadata Loaders used.

This sounds like it would be related to the Alteryx Loader, so please provide the information outlined in this document: Connect Issues--Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs)



Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.