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ADAPT Discussions

Discuss and build your skills with others who have been impacted by COVID-19.

question about eligibility and Alteryx license

5 - Atom

Hello team,


Hope you are doing well and staying safe.


I was wondering if I am still eligible to apply for the Alteryx ADAPT programme as I have already completed the Predictive Analytics for Business Nanodegree with Udacity (paid for it) and already got Alteryx core certification.


I am currently unemployed (lost my job at end of June) and would like to get the Alteryx designer advanced certification to increase the chances of getting a new job.


One of your Data Analytics Adviser told me that i should be able to get access to the designer license for 6 months.


I look forward to your answer.


Many thanks,



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The program is targeted at anyone whose job status was affected by Covid-19. I don't work in that department but you should be able to sign up here: https://www.alteryx.com/why-alteryx/alteryx-for-good/adapt-program

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @semioViz 


It's a good idea to signup to ADAPT because Udacity nanodegree covered mainly predective pallete .To get a better hang of Alteryx you need to learn and know about genaraly used pallete


And ADAPT is designed to get to prepared to clear Alteryx Core certification. So it's definitely a plus and suggestable to enroll 🙂


Hope this helps 🙂


All the best 😀👍