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Palak Shah - Intro

5 - Atom

Hi everyone - My name is Palak and I am new to the community. I am hoping Alteryx helps me in my auditor role and am looking forward to learning this tool and obtaining my certification. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @pshah74


Welcome on board! 

I would definitely recommend starting with Getting Started Learning Path in Alteryx Academy, and as you get more comfortable -- making an attempt at doing some of the beginner Weekly challenges since you're discovering Alteryx Designer. Note the "Labels" component on the right - you can sort by tools or by "beginner" so you can test out your skills! 


Here it is the Exam Prep Guide if you need for your certification. 


Feel free to post a question,  if you need any info, help or guidance.


Let us know how it goes!



Steph Vitale-Havreng