Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAThis week’s Challenge is a continuation of last week’s analytic adventure!
Now that you’ve analyzed the Twitter data containing hashtags related to the most recent assembly of the United Nations, you’re ready for your next Challenge: visualizing the data to tell a compelling story about the insights you’ve found. You may choose to communicate your findings through a Tableau dashboard (and you want to try that new cool thing you learned at last week’s TC!), or you may find that your findings are best explained with a viz you can whip up in Plotly. As for me, I’ll be spending some time playing with the Visual Layout Tool in Designer to create a report that’s part of an output from the app I created.
How will you Challenge yourself to visually tell the story behind your insightful analysis? Share your completed viz below to complete this week’s Challenge!
Not caught up on the Challenges yet? Take a look at Challenge 89 where our analytics adventure begins! Use the data from the start file to analyze the Twitter data in any way you choose, then create a visualization of your analysis!
Hey @ChristineB,
:-) seems I can re-use last week's submission!
This was done using a Tableau Story, so then notes on-top are self-descriptive.
This is my first Alteryx challenge, so I hope I've done a decent job! My viz is here on Tableau Public. Feedback is very welcome, as I'd like to improve it.
It looks like this:
I threw it into Gephi, and came to this beauty, a little rough around the edges, it's my first time using Gephi,
This is 5K tweets instead of 1.5K, too many connections makes my laptop sweat, going to give it a try on the bog machine tomorrow.
This is fun!
As for the story behind it: Just follow the little arrows down the rabit hole...
I've been exploring this map for 20 min now, and nowhere near done, I swear Bill Gates is in there somewhere!The entirety, we see quite some poles of increased activity
Dan_Unga and the questionmark people ("??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????"-type tweets ring a bell? quite a few of those)
The UN itself
Go Ladies! ( I may have accidentally resized suzy chap and Sakoya3333
and look who's here
Catching back up! Gotta make sure I'm nice & limber for that 100th Challenge summit...
Did my visuals playing around in PowerBI. Fun exercise to see some pretty results from all this fun data crunching! Included a date range filter, Top 10 Hashtag Count, # of Tweets & Retweets by Date, Top 5 Favorite Tweets, and a display of Tweets & Retweets based on users with the most followers.
Worked quickly on this, so not 100% satisfied with the organization of the page. On the Tableau dashboard, you can click on an influencer to see what they are tweeting about. You can control the # of influencers to show using the slider on the right.
If you don't have Tableau, you can grab the free reader from Tableau dot com, and play around with the dashboard. Except that I'm unable to upload my workbook, which is saved as a twbx. Any ideas/suggestions?
I analyzed the last 10 days of Twitter data for Alteryx -- workflow below:
Most of the metrics relied on a calculated affinity score -- a weighting of both retweets and favorites (combined into a single metric):
Output graphics below: