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Challenge #399: Auto Insights Special Edition – Sales Spotlight, Regional Performance




Welcome! It is time for the second Auto Insights Special Edition challenge!


A solution and a video solution to the first challenge in the Auto Insights series can be found here.


A friendly reminder: To participate, you will need access to Alteryx Auto Insights (AAI), which is part of the Cloud Platform. If you do not have AAI already, you can take this opportunity to start a free Cloud Trial. Additionally, remember that you can access interactive lessons in Maveryx Academy for extra assistance. 


In this challenge, you are the global financial controller for BAU Tech, an international tech company headquartered in Australia. You are on a conference call with your regional financial controllers for the following regions:

  • APAC (Asia-Pacific)
  • LATAM (Latin America)
  • North America
  • EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

For the Annual Report, which is due in the next few days, you need your regional financial controllers to provide you with insights about the performance of BAU Tech in their region. Producing the Annual Report is usually a tedious process, and your team was late in getting started this year.


The Sales Analysis dataset that you will use to solve this challenge shows the revenue earned by BAU Tech from January 4, 2019, to November 30, 2022. Each row represents a revenue amount and has information including the customer name, location, industry, account manager, and team details.



Create a Mission (KPI Deep Dive Report) using the preloaded Sales Analysis dataset (available in the Datasets tab) using the Revenue column as your Measure.


For the Annual Report, answer the following business questions for all regions:

  1. How did Revenue trend in November 2022 compared to November 2021?
  2. What was the top driver of this change in revenue?
  3. Which company sizes trended in the same direction as the overall change? And which company sizes trended in the opposing direction? (Your objective is to highlight the high growth and opportunity areas to target with different strategies next year.)
  4. How did BAU Tech perform against its goal for revenue?
  5. Which regions did or did not meet their goal?
  6. You would also like to create a Mission for each region and share it with the regional financial controllers. How can you leverage your current Mission as a template to create personalized Missions for each regional financial controller?


If you find any other interesting insights, make sure to highlight these!


Your final task is to use Magic Documents to create a PowerPoint presentation for the head of sales, primarily focusing on regional performance. Remember that you are presenting to an executive, so keep your presentation professional!




To share your solution, please upload your PowerPoint presentation to this post.

Posting your solution to the challenge will count towards earning Weekly Challenge badges!


Enjoy solving this Auto Insights challenge!


Video Solution:

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Nice challenge before going to bed. I could not complete all questions, so I'll try again after posting this one.

As I started to like AACP, I got Auto Insight certificate yesterday. It's great addition to my collection!

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Loving these challenges! 😊

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Fun challenge!


I tried to make the presentation in non English language by Magic Document, too. It seems almost no problem. It's very suprising!

9 - Comet

My presentation:

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

The weekly challenges make me work with auto insights ... 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think I am getting better at this. 😁



11 - Bolide

Thank you. Please see my PPoint solution attached. 

I think in order to leverage the PPoint as a template for other regions, one will need to select a Filter on Region and create reports for each of the four regions that way.  Let me know if there is an easier way to do this please. Would like to learn. 

9 - Comet

I'm getting more and more familiar with Auto Insights!