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This challenge comes to us from @Kenda . Thank you for your contribution, Kenda!
Use Designer Desktop or Designer Cloud, Trifacta Classic to solve this week's challenge.
Imagine you work as a data analyst for a company that develops video games. They want to create a strategy to increase profitability. The company has asked you to use industry sales data to determine whether the number of new video games released by a company impacts its profit for that year. You have a dataset (video_game_data.csv) that contains historical sales data of video games by multiple publishers around the world across several platforms. Your challenge is to do the following:
• Determine the years when the same video game publisher released the most game titles (based on the exact value in the Name column) AND had the most sales globally (a value you need to calculate).
Source: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gregorut/videogamesales
My Solution
My Solution: