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looks like answer might be missing 35 words.
RecordID Field_1 Wlength
1002489 alar 4
1002503 alary 5
1002915 allay 5
1003169 ally 4
1003171 allyl 5
1003300 altar 5
1006517 array 5
1006518 arrayal 7
1006595 artal 5
1006702 arty 4
1006710 aryl 4
1007240 atalaya 7
1007243 ataraxy 7
1007246 ataxy 5
1007300 atlatl 6
1008069 axal 4
1069270 lall 4
1070177 laxly 5
1073730 lyart 5
1073905 lytta 5
1103619 rally 5
1103895 ratal 5
1104015 rattly 6
1104017 ratty 5
1104100 raya 4
1128399 tala 4
1128402 talar 5
1128466 tall 4
1128498 tally 5
1128755 tarry 5
1128768 tartly 6
1128777 tarty 5
1128852 tatty 5
1133326 tray 4
1144991 xylyl 5
1.) Filter all words from words.txt that have middle grid letters. FindString([Field_1], "l") > -1 or FindString([Field_1], "e") > -1 or FindString([Field_1], "y") > -1
2.) Assign ID to these words
3.) Tokenize these words into letters with Assigned ID's
4.) Unique in ID and Token Letter
5.) Join on all tetters not in grid. bcdfghijkmnopqsuvwz after tokenize this...
6.) anything that joins on this has letter not in grid and should not be included
7.) Join back to universe from step 1 and 2 above
8.) Anything on left outer join is good word.