Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This challenge comes to us from @biosartorelli, @nicolascorreiacolombo, @Ranyaky-Vilela, @lemuelcastro, @Malvim,@ and @silvestremoreira. Thank you for your contribution.
The holiday season is upon us and it is time to write some cards!
Did you know you can easily create cards using Alteryx Designer?
This week’s dataset contains data to create a card in different languages, including the type of message (corporate or family and friends), and various holiday messages.
The zip file contains a selection of card backgrounds.
Your goal is to create a workflow to produce a card and generate a PNG or PDF file.
You are free to select the language and the type of message (corporate or family and friends) you want to generate.
The card must include:
• The card background of your choice from the zip file provided
• The name of the person who is receiving the card: your choice
• This standard message: ”Wishing you the best this holiday season!”
• One of the messages from the dataset chosen randomly by Designer
• Your name
For this challenge, we will provide you with two possible solutions:
- One using the Data Preparation and Reporting tools
- One using a chained app
This was a fun one!
Here's the solution!
@binuacs Smart solution. I came to know about two new tools ( Image and Overly) from your solution. Brilliant. Happy holidays!