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Challenge #245: Zip It Real Good

12 - Quasar

ugly solution but its a worker

8 - Asteroid
solution attached
11 - Bolide

Took some extra steps with filters that probably would've dropped out with the join. Couldn't conceptualize the correct order to approach it which is why I used the filters.


Screenshot 2023-07-07 122503.png


14 - Magnetar

My solution attached

8 - Asteroid

8 - Asteroid

zip zip

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


7 - Meteor

Yes, I understand that this is an Alteryx assignment. But when I see one of these that I consider fairly unsuited to Alteryx as a problem-solving tool, I like to whip out a solution in Python. And I have done so here and gotten identical results to the given output. So check it out if you are curious, feedback welcome:



import csv
from pprint import PrettyPrinter

pp = PrettyPrinter()

assignments_dict = dict()

def count_tokens( t ):
# Takes a string in form "x-y" and splits it into x, y and returns
# the *list* [x, y] where x and y are strings in %0d format.
# Example: "12-047" returns ["012", "047"]
    return_list = list()
    ( start_t, end_t ) = t.split( '-' )
    b = int(start_t)
    e = int(end_t)
    for i in range( b, e+1):
        return_list.append( f"%03d" % i )

    return return_list

def parse_tokens( s ):
# Takes a string of all the ZIP prefix assignments, or other
# strings indicating totality, etc. Returns a list of all the
# three-digit prefixes (or list of other strings) represented by
# the input.
# Examples:
# "12, 047-051, 093" returns [ "012", "047", "048", "049", "050", "051", "093" ]
# "entire" or "International" returns [ "entire" ]
# NOTE: "rest" is returned in a context where it may be added to
# other prefixes. When "entire" is returned, the data constraints
# say it will be the only element for that state/region code. The
# script does not error-check for this.

# Handle the special cases and return immediately:

    if s == "rest of state":
        return [ "rest" ]
    elif s == "entire state" or s == "entire area":
        return [ "entire" ]
    elif s == "International":
        return [ "entire" ]

    s.replace( " ", "" )
    tokens = s.split( ',' )

    return_list = list()

    for t in tokens:
    # If a string is in form "x-y" handle with count_tokens and
    # add the elements:
        if "-" in t:
            return_list += count_tokens( t )
        # Otherwise, just convert to three-character integer and
        # append this element:
            t_i = int( t )
            t = "%03d" % t_i
            return_list.append( t )

    # Just return the list we spent the loop above building:
    return return_list

# Read in all the assignments into assignments_dict, keyed by state.
# Each elemnt is a dictionary keyed on prefixes with values of the
# relevant "assignment":
with open('assignments.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    assignments_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    # Throw away the headers
    next(assignments_reader, None) # skip the headers
    for row in assignments_reader:
        ( state, tokens, assignment ) = row
        t_list = parse_tokens( tokens )

        for t in t_list:
            if state not in assignments_dict:
                assignments_dict[state] = dict()

            if t not in assignments_dict[ state ]:
                assignments_dict[ state ][ t ] = assignment
                print( "FATAL: duplicate assignment of state / tokens assignment: %s / %s / %s "
                            % ( state, tokens, assignment ) )
                exit( 1 )

# Read in each zipcode element, determine the state, match the special
# cases if present, then match the first three digits. Any given
# combination should lead to an assignment, which can be printed
# immediately. If a case doesn't work, error out the whole script
# with a fatal error:
with open('zipcodes.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    zipcodes_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    # Throw away the headers
    next( zipcodes_reader, None )
    for row in zipcodes_reader:
        ( state, zip ) = row
        if state not in assignments_dict:
            assignment = assignments_dict[ 'International' ][ 'entire' ]
        elif 'entire' in assignments_dict[ state ]:
            assignment = assignments_dict[ state ][ 'entire' ]
        elif zip[0:3] in assignments_dict[ state ]:
            assignment = assignments_dict[ state ][ zip[0:3] ]
        elif 'rest' in assignments_dict[ state ]:
            assignment = assignments_dict[ state ][ 'rest' ]
            print( "FATAL: can't happen case" )
            exit( 1 )

        print( "%s,%s,%s" % (state, zip, assignment) )



9 - Comet

a solution

8 - Asteroid
