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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week's challenge can be found here. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender
In general, there are slightly more men than women in the world. According to the United Nations, the number of men is rising gradually each year since 1960. However, some statistics show this is not the case in certain countries. In former Soviet republics, for example, women outnumber men. Conversely, there are more men than women in Asia, Arab countries, and Northern Africa, but what about in Latin America?
This Input data for this challenge is an Excel file containing data with the long-term population estimates and projections from 1950 to 2100. Use it to answer the following questions:
1. What was the last year in which there were more men than women in a Latin American country?
2. In what year will the percentage of men in a Latin American country reach the lowest point according to this dataset?
3. Is there any chance that it will be more men than women by 2100? In which Latin American country?
Fun challenge! I decided to use a Batch Macro to read in the sheets dynamically, and reported the answers using the reporting tools:
Pretty sure this is right, doesn't match the example output though.
Answer 1 Countries different from output but match others who have submitted to date.Results may vary further depending on your Year filter logic, i.e. < 2020 or <= 2020. Year filter can also impact Answer 3. I kept 2020 out of my Answer 3 to match given output.
As mentioned by others, my answers are slightly different to the Output file! Video solution here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nZq7dlX_0Q&list=PL18SpOXDj-KMUD4YwWC5vZaUsIa7drxNZ&index=47