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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week’s challenge can be found here. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_flying_object
Unidentified Flying Objects – also known as UFOs are exactly what they sound like. We tend to associate them with extraterrestrial activity but many sightings are attributed to covert military activity, like trying out new planes! Whether you believe they are signs that we aren’t alone or chalk them up to rogue weather balloons, the fact remains that many people around the world report sightings every year.
This week’s challenge includes a dataset with reported sightings across the USA and a second dataset with some details around the cities. Use these datasets to create a map showing the locations of sighting from 2019, and a table with the 25 most active cities over the dataset, including the most active year for each of those cities and the number of sightings that occurred in that active year.
Nice challenge.
Solution below. I tried splitting off Hawaii and Alaska for slightly better visibility.
Fun! Although I had the same count for 2008 for San Diego and LA as in 2007, I just uniqued them to get the one value.