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Challenge #23: Parsing CPG Data

11 - Bolide

Solution attached.  Great challenge

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

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10 - Fireball

We did something similar during our Data School training


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12 - Quasar

Holey Moley this took an hour. Very satisfied with the clean result.

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11 - Bolide

Challenging: usually, what takes longer for me is to visualize the steps in my mind. This time I had the idea in my mind, but found quite challenging to find the proper tools and order to get it done.




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10 - Fireball

Spent a fair amount of time trying to make an iterative macro to loop through columns and then realized i was over complicating it.

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8 - Asteroid

and another

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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

This one felt like it should have been easier...but had to really think it thru....maybe I took the long road to get there.

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8 - Asteroid

My solution.

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16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Phew! This was a long one. Solution attached.


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