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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAReminds me why I hate working with XML
Very challenging.
This exposed my lack of knowledge of XML tool but I think also exposed its flaws. WIthout knowing smart configurations to do this in simple terms I set about working through the levels of the XML - tokenizing where required with REGEX.
End result was a lot more records than the expected output. In part because I seemed to capture more information for one concert that had 1 row in the expected output mine had over 7 rows as I captured all the songs played at that concert. But even my method seemed to miss 14 concerts I could not get any information for.
Next steps - need to crack the config for xml parse.
Thank you, @ChristineB! My Download tool is blocked by the firewall, but I followed your solution with the data from Download tool, using XML Parse tool. This was my first time using XML Parsing tool. Thank you for showing the way!