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This one had me stumped for a bit!
If you compare the 2 outputs:
The 'Notworking' defines a Record object with an array of 2 while the 'Notworking1' does not have the Record object at all. Inside the object, we can declare any number of properties using "name" : "value" paring, separated by commas. In the 'Notworking example' if I wanted to access the information, I would just call the record object while in the Notworking example, it would be harder for me to call the object as there isn't one.
On the designer core exam that I recently passed, there was a question on \0 delimiter. Not familiar with it, I ask during a webex training this week to demo the concept. I did not see the delimiter option with the JSON output (no experience with JSON).
Tried to use it in the formula did not work. So I turned to the community topic to solve the challenge and learned a new trick of using CSV output but saving the file with a different extension.
I love these challenges. I am always learning something new which eventually becomes useful!!!