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Harnessing Predictive Analytics for Employee Attrition - Slalom

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Description: In addition to costing companies significant sums of money, employee attrition can be a symptom of issues in an organization which needs to be addressed. Utilizing the robust set of tools Alteryx has to offer, users can explore, prep, and apply algorithms to identify key factors which drive employee turnover. In this session, we’ll dive a little deeper into predictive analytics and understand the impact it can have on a company’s most precious resource: its people.


Date: 2017-12-01

Version: 11.3

Presented by: Slalom


7 - Meteor

Where can I download the workflow to fully understand the steps

7 - Meteor

Hi ,


Where can we download the workflow from?



9 - Comet

Great video! Like others mentioned, can we please have the workflow to follow along better?


Perhaps for practice one can find the Employee Attrition dataset on kaggle -