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TCAUG MeetUp | June 2022

Published on ‎06-07-2022 11:57 AM by ACE Emeritus | Updated on ‎06-29-2022 09:07 PM

TCAUG MeetUp | June 2022

June 30th, 2022 3:00PM CST


Hello Twin Cities Alteryx crew!


We invite you to join us in-person at the next TCAUG event! 



  • Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta by Adam Wilson (former CEO of Trifacta and current GM & SVP of Product Engineering at Alteryx)
    • Have you found Adam's community handle yet? Drop it in the comments!
  • An INSPIRED Presentation by a mystery Alteryx ACE
    • Any guesses as to which ACE? Drop your guess in the comments :) 
  • Networking!


Location: Hosted by phData at Minneapolis Grain Exchange downtown (Downtown Minneapolis)

Parking: A short walk from the light rail, otherwise we have validated available for $6 at a connected garage, or street parking (even cheaper!) 

Virtual option: After RSVP you will see the webinar link to join the meeting


Simply click "Yes" on the top right corner to RSVP. If you have not already joined the Twin Cities User Group, please join so you can stay up to date on current and future meetings.


Food and Beverages will be provide on-site



RSVP Required.


Hope to see you there!

-TCAUG Leaders

Interested in presenting? Email to find out how you can get involved!

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Thu, Jun 30, 2022 01:00 PM PDT
Thu, Jun 30, 2022 03:00 PM PDT
Minneapolis Grain Exchange, South 4th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Labels (2)
8 - Asteroid

Looking forward to this! Quick question: the Meetup link and calendar invite say that this is happening tomorrow, June 8, 7-9pm. The body of the Meetup invite and the body of this post here say that it's June 30th. I'm guessing it's the latter, but can you please confirm?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @mnmemilymnm. The correct date is June 30th! 😉

Flávia Brancato
ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Great catch @mnmemilymnm - fixed!


Thank you, see you there!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Awesome, I'll hopefully be able to make it virtually!

My guess is @grossal for the ACE 😉 (...totally a guess, I promise...)

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

That's right @TheOC !


An INSPIRED Presentation by @grossal , Alteryx ACE.
"The Beauty of Python Macros"
There are problems and scenarios that seem impossible to solve in Alteryx, such as sending a smartphone notifications, creating QR codes, and many more. Learn how the Python tool makes them very easy.