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Twin Cities, MN

Welcome to the Twin Cities User Group

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Join the Twin Cities Alteryx User Group for our Q4 meeting at the COCO on November 15th!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

When: November 15th, 2016 @ 3:00-5:00pm
Where: COCO Minneapolis, 400 South 4th Street, #401, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Join the Twin Cities Alteryx User Group for our Q4 meeting at the COCO! Attend to start networking with peers, exchange ideas, and improve skill sets that will help maximize your potential with Alteryx. We are excited
to meet you and hope that you’ll bring your friends and encourage your co-workers to join us!

Topics to Be Discussed:

In Alteryx, there are many ways to get to the same output. We will open up our meeting with a little brainstorming session on one of the Alteryx Weekly Exercises. You are welcome to check out the brainteaser beforehand or wait until the meeting. No homework required.

  • Tips and Tricks Presentation, Steve Wagner, Content Engineer, Alteryx

  • Alteryx Charades Interlude

  • Networking & Closing Remarks

Hope to see you there!

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Register for our upcoming meeting here

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing
7 - Meteor

The thread title says 11/10, the body and eventbrite says 11/15. I assume the 15th is the correct date?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Yes, November 15th is correct. Thanks @Mitchell_G.

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing